Creating an awesome conference is an impossible task without awesome speakers! We would like to hear from both experienced and novice speakers. We welcome lightning talks, short talks, presentations, and workshops. Please check the submission form for more details.
Our conference is about working together and exchanging ideas. We also believe that diversity is an important part of this process and we would like to encourage everyone to submit their talks, especially people from groups that are underrepresented in IT.
You don't have to be an experienced super-star to be a speaker at a conference! As a part of this effort, we would like to offer help and guidance for inexperienced speakers to improve their abstracts and disposition of their talks. Feel free to mention that in the submission form, and we will do our best to help you. However, please keep in mind that we are doing this in our spare time, and our resources might be limited at times, but we can promise that we will still do our best to help!
At CONFER we shall focus on:
When it comes to the topics, it can be (but not limited to) the following:
All these topics can have a great variety of applications. It can be anything from software applications to robotics, nano, intelligent systems, and their impact on business and society. It can be innovative solutions solving our day-to-day problems, something that is modernizing legacy systems or cutting edge Internet of Things solutions. We would like to hear about the challenges you were trying to solve and how you solved it.
Anything goes! Almost. 😉
Take a look at our previous events in 2021, and 2020 to get some inspiration and see the variety of speakers and talks we have had before.
Are you an experienced speaker or a beginner? Neither?
We would like to hear from you!
Also, feel free to spread the word and encourage others to submit as well. Thanks!
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