CONFER /kənˈfəː/ is a late Middle English word for ‘bring together’, and this is exactly what we are about – bringing people with different backgrounds together. It can happen in many different ways. It can be a place to share and gain more knowledge and a place to catch-up with your old colleagues and friends, as well as make new ones.
This conference is organized by specialists in various fields for the entire community. We mainly focus on practical and technical applications of Data Science, Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Cloud.
CONFER is an IT conference for the community by the community. If you’re working in the fields mentioned above, this conference definitely has something for you. It doesn't matter whether you are a developer, project manager, architect, or researcher – we are doing our best to have something interesting for you!
Our aim is to provide you with interesting topics, safe environment, long breaks for networking, as well as serving you excellent coffee and good food (when we will be able to meet again, post-Covid) – the rest is up to you!
As developers we often talk about experiences, tools, best practices and sometime even humbly brag about our achievements. At CONFER you will be able to do exactly this!
As architects, we might more concerned about models and systems that exist today and they all play together. We may care about how it fits into the bigger picture of the enterprises and their visions. This is your stage to share with others what you have have struggled with, done, and achieved. The mic is yours!
The future is going to look different from the traditional organisational models and workflows that exist today. As Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence become more common, we would need a new mindset to be able to shape the industry and design the workforce of the future. AI, ML, and Cloud is not only about the new tools you can use, but also about the way you do things and the way you think.
In addition to changing the way we do things, we also need to bring the industry and academic perspectives even closer together! Tech people on all levels will benefit from openness and creativity while using the technology to solve the challenges of the future together. We will have to work together to build a deeper understanding of the needs and possibilities involved. This might be a great opportunity to disseminate your research findings you were looking for!
So, are you willing to join us in shaping the future and making it better together?
Of course you can! Have a look at the awesome lineup of talks and speakers we had in 2021 and in 2020.
*This edition will be run as Confer Digital – a free, whole-day digital experience.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
Now, with that out of the way, we would like to specify that this is a conference by and for the people actively working or anyone interested in Data Science, Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Cloud.
We will be focusing on practical applications, experience reports, and technical details of the real-world challenges that we are solving every day. Please have a look at a detailed list of topics for an in-depth understanding of what you can expect at the conference.
All tickets are valid for the entire duration of the digital event and are FREE.
All participants at this conference are required to agree with
the code of conduct.
CONFER is organized by the community for the community. We are a group of people passionate about technology with a mission to share the knowledge. We are investing much of our spare time into building a community and sharing the knowledge across disciplines.
Would you like to be part of the team organizing one of the best conferences in town? Feel free to send us an email, or use the form below. We would like to hear from you!